TACM is a self-published manga ("doujinshi") based on the The Adventure of Charles Augustus Milverton. It is a faithful retelling using the best passages of the original (the authors own additions do suffer by comparison).
Each scene includes romantic gestures between Holmes and Watson, although in the case of the first scene awaiting the arrival of a known blackmailer, that seems a rather risky time to be making out.... The rendering successfully blends a manga aesthetic with a Victorian setting. Overall, if you want to see a somewhat idealised Holmes in Watson in each others arms, this book will certainly deliver.
The art is superior in quality and in a manga-style including right-to-left sequencing of the panels and pages. The characters are portrayed very attractive and with expressive faces and postures. I would highly recommend this doujinshi to anyone interested in graphic novel formatted "holmes slash". TACM is approximately 60 pages long, in graphic novel format with perfect binding, black and white interior art and a full-color cover.
See also:
Sherlock Holmes and Dr. John H. Watson in The Adventure of the Concussoris Magnus.
[Record #12]
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